Most orders are shipped within 1 week of receipt. However, depending on demand for the product, some items may require up to six weeks for shipping. You should allow additional times for the shipping of products from our warehouse to you. We are unable to accept cash or checks for payment without imposing additional handling fees. In the event that your order cannot be fulfilled within six weeks due to excessive demand or supplier constraints you will be notified of the expected length of the delay and offered the opportunity to cancel your order for a full refund.
Orders can be canceled only prior to payment processing. Orders that are being packaged for shipping cannot be canceled.
If your order cannot be shipped within the stated delivery date, we will notify you of the expected ship date. Your credit card will not be charged your your order is shipped.
We will gladly accept any return within 30 days, provided the item is in new or like-new condition (see Return Policy). We will only issue a refund or send a replacement as needed once the items has been received in our warehouse.
An additional $10 shipping surcharge is added for items sent outside of the continental United States.